Ex-Sen. Bob Menendezs wife did the dirty work in corruption scheme, prosecutors say at trial
Samantha Max
Nadine Menendez did the dirty work to get gold bars, envelopes stuffed with cash and a new Mercedes-Benz convertible for herself and her husband, now-convicted former New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, fe ...[Continue Reading]
4 days ago
Recent News (General)
New war bonds scheme invests French in rearming military
Daniel Eck
The French may soon be able to address their war worries with the money in their savings accounts as a newly announced scheme will allow them to become direct investors in rearming the military. Fre ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Pinnacol Assurance Giving $15M Dividend to Colorado Businesses
Pinnacol Assurance announced its 2025 general dividend will return roughly $15 million to more than 47,000 workers compensation insurance policyholders across Colorado. Th dividend marks the 10th c ...[Continue Reading]

Insurance Journal
1 day ago
Science Magazine Unfairly Attacks the Journal of the Academy of Public Health
Guest Blogger
By Peter C. Gtzsche Only two days after the Journal of the Academy of Public Healths official launch, Science Magazine criticised it in a news item. A scientist I had recommended as a member of ou ...[Continue Reading]
1 day ago
No sheepishness as Katie Hannon decries bleating TDs
Mick Heaney
Its not a show to avoid tough topics, but throughout the week Liveline (RT Radio 1, weekdays) has a decidedly fluffy feel, as Katie Hannon tends to all manner of sheep-related stories. On Monday th ...[Continue Reading]

The Irish Times
1 day ago
Objectivity and Rationality, What Must be Done
Judith Deutsch
Image by Mohamed Nohassi. Freuds words in 1923: I belong to the race that in the Middle Ages was blamed for all the plagues, and such experiences have a sobering effect, and they do not arouse the ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago